Tuesday, July 13, 2010

Top Five Fictional Characters with ADHD

People keep talking about famous people with ADHD but I think that what might be more important are mythological characters who had ADHD. I am not talking about something like Greek Mythology which is been some old baggage our civilizations been carrying for awhile but our recent mythology made from TV, cartoons, video games and comic books. Fair warning to readers this is not a real diagnosis because a) I am not a psychiatrist b) Its just for people such as myself to identity behavior I have with fictional characters just for fun. By the way this list isn't order all of them are equally ADHD and awesome.


1) Calvin (Calvin and Hobbes) Readers click on strip to see it in its full glory
This kid is classic ADHD and the thing is there is so many strips showcasing that I feel that I will need do a post solely for analyzing Calvin and Hobbes but for now readers have look at these one

This strip shows Calvin constant day dreaming which centres mostly on dinosaurs a typical six year old preoccupation. When his teacher Miss Wormwood basically tries to put him down for not paying attention in class Calvin displays his intelligence with a witty retort. It shows that ADHD children are smart
although they may not use it as productively as their schools and parents would wish.

 Calvin basically sees the table and starts whacking nails into it with a hammer, god knows where he found it. When his mom tries to ask the reasoning for doing this, Calvin think for moment before philsophising on why his mother is asking and why there has to be reason for his impulsivity.

2) Tigger

In Hundred Acre woods there are number of eccentric characters but among people's personal favorite is Tigger. Tigger is character who always bounces with his twisty tail and always ready to try new things as fast as possible even if they don't turn out well he does same mistakes over and over because he loves adventure! He lives for the moment and with a whirl of his tail he always looking for something around the horizon. If Winnie the Pooh the rock that hold the cast together then Tigger is spark of elecrity that one of element that makes reading or watching Hundred Acres of Woods so interesting.

3) Sonic, Speedy Gonzales and the Road Runner.

Sorry readers that I couldn't include Road Runner in the picture but just replace him with the red guy using the power of imagination! For those who grew up on Looney tunes or playing video games  I am sure at some point either you or your friends were crazy about these characters. I mean the appeal is clear these characters pretty much solve anything by being fast. No need to wait for the mail they probably just pick it up from the post office before postman gets up in the morning, finish a grocery list and read War and Peace in thirty seconds tops. I mean could you imagine these guys working in a office it would probably kill them to sit even for moment. I think after the interview they would probably run rings around the employers, the employees and the whole building while breaking a new speed record before reaching the next restroom which is probably only time they would stop. Now boundless energy, hyperactivity and having their feet dictate their actions rather then slowing down and thinking sounds familiar?

4) Goofy

This one will be the most controversial as people might argue that Goofy had down syndrome or the less polite ones would say he is retarded. Well I would say in the biggest understatement ever that Goofy leads a different lifestyle. This lifestyle is crazy I mean you could see his hyperactivity at every opportune moment he sails through the air  and impulsivity in that he is never sure where he is going to land. But Goofy has friends ( Mickey Mouse and Donald Duck) and family ( he has a son) and is able to follow instruction from some weird quasi British voice. So I would say if Goofy is not stupid but is really happy and didn't we wish all of us could be as content.

5) Bart Simpson

Bart Simpson is the only character on this list to actually be diagnosed with ADHD in Season 11 of the Simpson Episode Two's Brother Little Helper.  This episode is a tad harsh on prescription drugs for ADHD but it does confirm what most fans and other suspicions of what disorder Bart has. Bart Simpson is very impulsive doing actions because they are cool and has to deal with consequence as well. He is also inattentive when it comes to school or anything to do with book. But he is creative when he puts into mind when causing trouble then his Dad chokes him. Bart Simpson poster child for ADHD in cartoon land.

Monday, July 12, 2010

This article is timeless. Read about one man in America struggle to raise awareness about ADHD

From Wellsboro Gazette- Michael Sandler, 33, of Fort Collins, Colo was exhausted wet and little feverish as he checked into the Mansfield Inn Wednesday evening, July 14.

He probably would have liked to ride his bicycle a little longer, though. On Wednesday, he traveled less than 100 miles through thunderstorms, but usually tries to cover closer to 150 miles per day.

Sandler is on a quest to ride from Portland, Ore to Washington, D.C in 40 days and 40 nights, stopping only long enough to eat, sleep, and talk to the media.

He has attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) and is trying to raise positive awareness of the condition.

At the end of his journey, he hopes to talk to federal legislators about ADHD. His time frame is limited since the summer recess starts July 26.

"This is just to get the dialogue going," Sandler said.

ADHD (or simply ADD) appears in three to seven percent of children and two to four percent of adults. It is characterized by inattentiveness, particularly to boring or routine tasks; hyperactivity; and impulsivty. ADHD is sub categorized into hyperactive, inattentive, and combined.

Sandler had ADHD as a child, but he did not get an official diagnosis until he went back to college for masters degrees in computers and business.

During an interview Wednesday, Sandler related that he could not understand why he could not get organized and focus on his school work.

"I found a process to help people with ADD be productive," Sandler said.

Medications like ritalin, which he equates to insulin for diabetics or glasses for the near-sighted, serve as a basis for treatment, he said. But they do not help unless the person builds some kind of structure in his or her life. He explained that ritalin is actually a stimulant and does not help if the dosage is wrong or if a person does not have ADHD. One of the symptoms of the disorder is decreased neuromotor activity.

The most important part of living successfully with ADHD is to develop a daily routine and stick to it as much as possible. Sandler related that he has approached his 4,800 mile journey that way - by taking each stretch of 150 miles or so one day at a time.

Diet is crucial, added Sandler, who eats a high protein diet and "grazes" during the day.

He also shares his experiences in his book, "Positive ADDitudes in College."

According to Sandler's statistics, only five to ten percent of kids with ADHD graduate from high school. Approximately 76 percent of all males in prison have the disorder.

"These kids are brilliant people, but at some point, they just throw up their hands and give up," Sandler said.

As a result, children with ADHD tend to withdraw socially, which can affect their social development. He suggests those kids need some kind of activity, like school band or a drama group, to help with that social development.

The problem, he said, is that people with ADHD have a tendency to give themselves negative messages - telling themselves they are just not good enough to succeed. That is reinforced by other messages from others saying they need to "pay attention" and "sit still."

"This is my life," Sandler said. "I don't want anyone banging their head against the wall."

He also mentioned that ADHD should not be an excuse for failing to reach goals.

Sandler was nearly ready to give up on himself last fall. In the span of a few months, he broke some bones trying competitive racing, he and his long-time girlfriend split up, his house flooded, and his dog was diagnosed with cancer.

He was forced to set his writing aside to deal with everything. At that point, all of the negative messages started coming back - that he could not focus on writing the book.

Then, 11 weeks ago, he fell asleep reading a book on spirituality.

"I woke up at three in the morning and said 'I am riding across the country,'" he related.

Spirituality has helped Sandler focus and deal with ADHD. He says that some sort of foundation, whether it is family, friends, or spirituality, is important.

Sandler suggests that family and friends of people with ADHD should stand by the person with the disorder. "You are not crazy, lazy, or stupid," he said.

He also said people with ADHD should find a job they enjoy, rather than trying to be a "square peg in a round hole."

"Even if it doesn't pay well, you will be more successful and happier," Sandler said.

In order to finance the trip, he sold nearly all of his possessions on eBay, except his house, dog, car, and motorcycle. He later sold the motorcycle to some friends in Fort Collins. He is also accepting donations through his website at www.positiveADDitude.com.

Sandler's 40 day, 40 night trip - like Noah and the ark - has seen its share of both hardship and triumph.

As of July 14, he had replaced 49 flat tires; been stranded in the middle of nowhere; had numerous near misses with cars, including four in the last 55 miles before Chicago and three between Cleveland and Erie; crashed in the second day, nearly breaking an ankle; and encountered a bear near Reno.

But bad situations seem to have a way of sorting themselves out on this trip.

Sandler related that he came down with a bad fever during the trip from Erie, probably caused by wearing rain-soaked clothing. He wanted to stick to his original plan of not stopping except for interviews. A short time after Sandler prayed for help at a gas station, a reporter showed up for an interview.

"People have been the amazing thing, not the scenery," Sandler said.


Sunday, July 11, 2010

WWE Wrestler Matt Morgan and ADHD.

WWE Wrestler Matt Morgan talks about his experience with ADHD. With the amount of energy he displays through pummeling the poor guys in the ring it makes sense where it's coming from. Hopefully more celebrities around the world will be as forthcoming of living with ADHD.

Friday, July 9, 2010

Living with ADHD/AFTA

Hello my name is Muhammed Al-Lehbi and I will be one of the writers of this blog. ADHD is abbreviated term for Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder a neurobehavioral problem that has symptoms of high hyperactivity, impulsivity and inattention. 15% of the Saudi population is purported to have a ADHD and I seem to be part of the statistic. This might be a surprise to you readers but to my many friends who have seen the state of my car with papers piling up in trunk and a coffee cup that been stuck in the back seat its something they are well acquainted with. It was through the patience of my friends and family that my life has become one not harmed by the disorder.

Before school was for me a measure of my fight against the negative aspects of ADHD. When I entered 8th grade I was A+ student three years after that I became a D+ student. How did this happen? Well the disorganization and procrastination that gets amplified with disorder was in check due to my parents and teachers supervision but once I entered middle school and became in favorite word of teenagers ‘independent’ is when the trouble started. It didn’t matter how good I was in math because I couldn’t find the papers to study them since I constantly misplaced them or if I did find them I would much rather see a movie then be bored. No amount of pleading from my parents changed my behavior and from that point on. I was in a downward spiral. Studying for exams consisted of sitting at a table with a text book and after staring at for forty five minutes go for a three hour break. My terrible grades almost began to be comedic and I began to feel this was acceptable lifestyle because I deluded myself to thinking this was best I could do.

It wasn’t until 11th grade I started to become A student again. The reason was that I willed myself to get organized and study hard in order to go to a good university. My problems aren’t exclusive to me and as I see the failing and mediocre student in my university and wonder on whether they are stupid or they have ADHD themselves. Unawareness of ADHD can leave someone becoming his own worst enemy but knowing your negative aspects can turn ADHD into a best friend that supplies imagination and creativity. So you might be wondering well you’re a success story why are you writing a blog about ADHD? Well I still have my ADHD moments and in sharing of these moments with you my readers I can only hope we learn something from these embrassing experiences and I would love some of you shared your own. Lets hope this blog reflects the side of ADHD that will keep it going.