Hello my name is Muhammed Al-Lehbi and I will be one of the writers of this blog. ADHD is abbreviated term for Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder a neurobehavioral problem that has symptoms of high hyperactivity, impulsivity and inattention. 15% of the Saudi population is purported to have a ADHD and I seem to be part of the statistic. This might be a surprise to you readers but to my many friends who have seen the state of my car with papers piling up in trunk and a coffee cup that been stuck in the back seat its something they are well acquainted with. It was through the patience of my friends and family that my life has become one not harmed by the disorder.
Before school was for me a measure of my fight against the negative aspects of ADHD. When I entered 8th grade I was A+ student three years after that I became a D+ student. How did this happen? Well the disorganization and procrastination that gets amplified with disorder was in check due to my parents and teachers supervision but once I entered middle school and became in favorite word of teenagers ‘independent’ is when the trouble started. It didn’t matter how good I was in math because I couldn’t find the papers to study them since I constantly misplaced them or if I did find them I would much rather see a movie then be bored. No amount of pleading from my parents changed my behavior and from that point on. I was in a downward spiral. Studying for exams consisted of sitting at a table with a text book and after staring at for forty five minutes go for a three hour break. My terrible grades almost began to be comedic and I began to feel this was acceptable lifestyle because I deluded myself to thinking this was best I could do.
It wasn’t until 11th grade I started to become A student again. The reason was that I willed myself to get organized and study hard in order to go to a good university. My problems aren’t exclusive to me and as I see the failing and mediocre student in my university and wonder on whether they are stupid or they have ADHD themselves. Unawareness of ADHD can leave someone becoming his own worst enemy but knowing your negative aspects can turn ADHD into a best friend that supplies imagination and creativity. So you might be wondering well you’re a success story why are you writing a blog about ADHD? Well I still have my ADHD moments and in sharing of these moments with you my readers I can only hope we learn something from these embrassing experiences and I would love some of you shared your own. Lets hope this blog reflects the side of ADHD that will keep it going.
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